Electronics and Software
Engineering Innovation

Timing Signal Routing

The DAQ-STC provides a flexible interface for connecting timing signals to other devices or external circuitry. The S Series device uses the RTSI bus to interconnect timing signals between devices, and it uses the programmable function interface (PFI) pins on the I/O connector to connect the device to external circuitry. These connections are designed to enable the S Series device to both control and be controlled by other devices and circuits.

You can control the following timing signals internal to the DAQ-STC by an external source:

AI Start Trigger Signal

AI Reference Trigger Signal

AI Sample Clock Signal

AI Pause Trigger Signal

AI Sample Clock Timebase Signal

AO Start Trigger Signal

AO Sample Clock Signal

AO Pause Trigger Signal

AO Sample Clock Timebase Signal

DI Sample Clock Signal

DO Sample Clock Signal

Counter 0 Source Signal

Counter 0 Gate Signal

Counter 0 Up/Down Signal

Counter 1 Source Signal

Counter 1 Gate Signal

Counter 1 Up/Down Signal

Master Timebase Signal

You also can control these timing signals by signals generated internally to the DAQ-STC, and these selections are fully software-configurable. The following figure shows an example of the signal routing multiplexer controlling the ai/SampleClock signal.

This figure shows that ai/SampleClock can be generated from a number of sources, including the external signals RTSI <0..6> (PCI and PXI buses only) and PFI <0..9> and the internal signals, Onboard Clock and Ctr0InternalOutput.

On PCI and PXI devices, many of these timing signals are also available as outputs on the PFI pins.

Note  The Master Timebase signal can only be accepted as an external signal over RTSI. Refer to Device and RTSI Clocks for information about routing this signal.